Get Involved
Your time is your most valuable asset.
Use Yours to Make a Difference in The Lives of Youth
Depending on your availability and personal interests, there are numerous ways to work with Today's Youth.
Choose what works best for you.
Board of Directors
Share your expertise and ensure that Today's Youth continues to grow and provide enrichment programs to at-risk and vulnerable youth 10-18.
Contact Nicole for additional information.
Virtual Opportunity
Assists with Social Media
Helps with the quarterly newsletter
Research grants & funding opportunities
Girls on the Move
A weekly enrichment program focused on life skills and leadership development
Work with girls 10-18
Help develop service-learning projects
Facilitate small group sessions
Boys on a Mission
A weekly enrichment program focused on life skills and leadership development.
Work with boys 10-18
Help develop service-learning projects
Help facilitate small group sessions
Youth Entrepreneurial Success (Y.E.S.) Leadership Programs
A weekly enrichment program focused on entrepreneurship
Work with youth 10-18
Help youth understand business terms
Help facilitate small group sessions
Here's How to Become a Volunteer
Attend Orientation
Background Check
Begin Volunteering